Wednesday, April 27, 2011

vs Hateworthy Things x7

Due to no demand whatsoever, here's another seven things I'd rather hate than resolve...

Royal Weddings
It's twenty-fucking-eleven!  I should be sitting in a rocket chair watching clones fight for food on the Moon!  Why the hell is there even a royalty anymore?  I'll tell you why, because watching Royals do things is like seeing time travellers pop up now and again to remind us how far we've come since serfdom. 

I know you're trying to make government shennanigans transparent and more accountable, but what you're really doing is spamming us with things we really don't want to know, okay?  There are so many cables and excerpts flying around now that I'm starting to miss the old cover-ups. 

Soft Stalkers
Thanks to the cyber-age of information, stalking has never been lazier.  Back in the old days it took serious, obsessive narcissism to get out and physically follow the object of your twisted desire.  If the cops didn't get you the new boyfriend's attack dogs would.  Nowadays people just patch together a few fake online profiles and fish for whatever info they can glean on the whereabouts and activities of exes.  Then they start the hate-campaigns, constructing elaborate propoganda vehicles on Facebook, Twitter, SMS spamming and whatever else the kids are using to lie to the universe these days.  If you're going to act out like a sad, sulky child, for Christ's sake have the gumption to do it in person so the authorities can field test their new tazers.

Soft Revenge
It's like vengeance lost its balls and revenge fantasies were rewritten by Disney.  Nobody wreaks revenge by bettering their own life, they do it by destroying someone else's.  Revenge is what you do when you DON'T want to get over something, that's the whole fucking point.  It's the opposite of moral maturity, the high road and natural justice.  Leave it up to karma?  Good luck waiting for your nemesis to die off and return as a caterpillar, hippie.  Look, I'm not advocating petty vindication, I'm just saying that you have the options to either evolve with dignity or avenge your situation by sneaking over to that fucker's place and spray-painting the word 'RACIST' on their car bonnet.  One option may eventually make you feel satisfied with life, while the other will definitely be hilarious.

Internet Porn
You say there's too much?  I say not enough, at least not enough interesting stuff out in Adult Entertainment Land.  All the permutations have been thrashed to death, every possible carnal configuration between consenting adults explored.  It's getting to the stage where real life sex is becoming a preferable again.

3D Movies
Not worth the extra $5 if it's still a crappy movie, alright?  Any film that has to rely on tricking my brain into thinking its pointing things at me in order to sell tickets is probably not going to end up in my masterpiece collection.

A lot of these armed conflicts aren't about good guys fighting bad guys, they're about one sort of bad guy fighting another sort of bad guy, neither of whom care about you, okay?  The media only presents it as a 'Light vs Darkness' scenario because tallying up the true atrocities accrued by both sides would take too long and would make you finally realise that all the guns belong to crazy assholes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

vs Beiberisms, Beliebers, Beiberology, Beiber Fever, and that fucking haircut!

Up until recently my interest in Gen Z pop culture was dispassionate to say the least.  That was until a faithful reader and friend (Thanks, Nicole, for putting me through this crap) asked why a 16 year old with a bowl haircut would release a bio-pic world-wide when the 'bio' part of that equation was only, well, 16 years old?  Anyone and everyone over the age of, say, 16, is probably asking the same question.  At least when Myley Cyrus tried that shit in '08 her extended concert film, she played both her personae, and the show was also packed with other equally repulsive yet popular artists (yes, Jonas Brothers, I haven't forgotten about you and your fucking gay purity rings) and followed years of television and music deals.  It wasn't trying to be the bio-pic of some girl who was childishly famous, even though she had done a lot more - media wise - in her short life by that stage.

But, here we are.  It's 2011 (and although by this time I was hoping to be writing this article from a rocket car) I dump the word 'Beiber' into the searchie and get this.

 I have watched this clip 23 times now and I still don't know what the fucking
movie can possibly be about, other than "I'm special, fuck the rest of you."

Sure, the trailer starts out cute enough: "My name is Justin, and this is how I bang my tiny hands on furniture."  But then it gets all dramatic with ridiculous title overlays...
Who?  Who the fuck said "It" would never happen?

"They?"  Give me a hint!  The Freemasons?  Illuminati?  Presbytarians?  It was those fucking Presby wankers, wasn't it?

Ah, at least I know that the "You" here refers to every girl born after Napster died.

It's not until halfway through we get to the meat of the plot.

So, out of 5 widescreen, titleboard statements I've conceded one as accurate (about this being a 'true' story), inferred that one might possibly reference his fan base, while the rest are either completely unsupportable claims or outright lies.  Justin may be a lot of things, but, no, he is certainly not an ORDINARY KID.

Take a look at the head-byte of some supposedly grown adult I can't be bothered googling - he's wearing a cap, that's all I know - at 00:35 seconds into the trailer.  And I quote: "He's 16 and he's doing it all on his own."

What the fucking fuck!?!  Beiber has done absolutely nothing on his own.  And I'm probably including masturbation.  His mum posted anything featuring him making singing noises on Youtube since the kid was 12.  Then a year later she pretty much sold him to this guy after consulting God.  From there Mr "he's doing it on his own" cap-wearer managed the boy and created a new label with Usher just to make Beiber an icon.  He became so much of an icon that Braun and Usher's label merged with Island records no problem to make this teenager an even bigger craze.  So, between Justin's mum, manager (Braun) and mentor (Usher) I can safely say the little shit achieved nothing alone.

But that won't be the film you'll see, because "young, adequately talented tween gets made over into a star by a savvy Jewish entrepreneur, an already famous black singer, his insanely religious white mother and millions in investment dollars" doesn't seem as satisfying.  Anyway, when you're selling a product swiped from Youtube all your marketing is done for you.  Yes, this part-biography/mainly extended concert clip only has one target audience, like I said.  Girls aged between crayon-eating and training bra.

Or so I thought.  See, I actually took on this case because that afore-mentioned reader of mine told me that adult women also want a piece of this kid.  No way, I thought, JB is just what fills a girl's life in between the Wiggles and menstruation, right?  Uh-uh.  Seems not.  And now I'm sick to my stomach at the thought of this...
 The Beiber gang sign, or just putting in an order for hookers, I dunno.

..pashing this:
Take a good look, people.  Look at his haircut.  Is that the haircut
of somebody that ANY adult woman should be pashing?

That's Steffi Landerer.  You know Steffi, she was in the German version of Idol recently.  And she's an actress too, maybe.  But mainly (as in for as long as it has taken you to read this) you know her as the 20 year-old who mouth-kissed a 16 year old pop star.

And here we have a shot of Justin at some clip-thing he did with 31 year old socialite/waste of fucking oxygen, Kim Kardashian.

You know, just frolicking in the surf and discussing cleavage with a bowl-cut
boy half her age.

I'm not even amazed that the industry is rushing to sexualise him for an older audience, I'm just horrified that he started hanging with full grown women while still in that absurd haircut. 

What's that?  He's remodelling his 'do?  Cool, let's take a look.

The New Look Beiber, now with less hair, lowered testicles and... dog tags?

Hey, do you know what Beiber looks like to me with this new look?  Really fucking ordinary, just like any other kid who chose a pair of scissors over constant beatings in the school yard.  His producers/managers/publicists/manicurists are in a pickle now (which is why they probably had to rush that 3D abortion of a film out asap) because nothing loses flavour like a boy star who's now old enough to be an actual sexual threat to his fan base.  I'm not saying he's about to wantonly rape little girls, I just mean that his natural, pubescent behaviour will inevitably confuse and upset little girls.

I'm not kidding:

That kid (who makes a lot of Youtube vids for young kids, by the way) is all of 8 years old and feels disappointed in Justin because he pashed a chick, but also sorry for him because his parents are divorced and he might be feeling sad.  Or something.  Trust me, kid, Justin might feel a lot of things, but sad would not be on that top ten list.  Also, little girl, you can [butterfly]kiss his ass goodbye within 12 months because you'll slide out of his new demographic (16-24 yo females/16-65 yo gay men) and there's no going back. 

See, when you're a tween heart-throb your fan-base buys all your shit because they harrass their parents to do so.  Parents will relent, but only on the basis that you're a relatively asexual, cutesy momma's boy who would rather but a girl a pony than finger her behind the bike shed.  The moment your haircut looks less like something you'd usually find on a Lego man, and you're kissing real-life women, those parents are going to start questioning the innocence of your appeal and stop creasing their credit cards for little Tammy's Justin posters/dolls/tickets/lollypops.

See, that's the irony. folks, the Beiber Bowl Cut was what made the guy acceptable to adults.

With that in mind, I now say that Never Say Never is really a bio-pic of sorts, one that covers the pre-pubescent peak of a young boy's career as portrayed by the people that built him from the ground up.  The rest of his life probably won't be worth documenting in theatres, though, because, hey, what's another teenage-focused star in today's market?

Ah, Justin,. you're nearly old enough to assault in a car park
without it being a crime against a minor.  Can hardly wait.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fuku Radioactive Scaremongers!

Acknowledgement: Special thanks to The Rev for his blessings upon this post, and vital fact-checking and sub-editing to reduce the risk of me sounding completely insane.

Dear Nuclear Holocaust(ers)
This post is a general vent re: post-Fukushima and the Japanese earthquake/tsunami disasters. The reactor complex took two massive natural hits, both of which were well beyond it's designed integrity limitations_ (a quake of richter scale 9 vs a design tolerance of 6.9, and a tsunami 15m high vs a 'safe' height of less than 10m). The resultant outcome was a reactor accident rated at level 5 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (Three Mile Island was also a fatality free level 5, while Chernobyl, with it's awful radiation emissions and multiple fatalities, has been classified the highest possible: level 7).  So, with that in mind, let's panic like sissies, or snort derisively at nuclear power, because, hey, you're a fucking physicist or some shit, right?

[Pictured: in no way a nuclear explosion, nuke plants are not bombs.]

The Fukushima plant did not melt down.  Not like Chernobyl. There were no direct deaths during the emergency from radiation or burns.  And that's despite all those hydrogen pressure explosions you saw on the news. Yes, some radiation from the plant did rise, and some of the braver damage control crews were exposed to up to 25% of a medically recommended dose, but it wasn't radioactive armageddon like the media threatened.

Is there anything more disappointing to an idealist than lying down on a quiet
wet road devoid of cops, security and industrial vehicles trying to pass?  Hope
there's a sliced lunch in your student backpack, sweetheart, because walking
home tube-chained to Derek there, just because the 'fascist pigs' couldn't be
fucked bolt-cutting you free, is going to be a drag.

Much of the plant is rendered to safe levels and the remaining irreparable chambers are shut down now. This means the three nuclear chambers unaffected by the earthquake, tsunami, and repair contingencies are now getting power back to thousands of citizens adversely affected by the meanest shake n' splash recorded against inhabited land for fuck-knows-how-long. The scaremongers and reactionaries, amateur ecologists and ambitious politicals all claim Fukushima to be just another (albeit only the third in the last 40 years) incident proving the lethality of nuke power.  Even though the 'nuclear' bit did not kill anyone!

I see it different. Fukushima, despite it's age (43 years), and the sheer magnitude of the Natural force arrayed against it, did a lot fucking better than it was designed to do and the people in charge, although could have done a little better in some places, on the whole saved many thousands of fucking lives by doing the job they were trained to do under hardships and adverse conditions.

But all you protestors go nuts, okay?  Coz, y'know, you're the experts.  If you had your way all nuke plants would be torn down right now and replaced with solar-electric, solar-thermal and wind-power crap.  Good luck finding enough constant sunshine, wind and available land to power an entire city with that plan, Earth Child.  Let's see how long you can run your podcasts, blogs and Youtube riots with bio-fuel generators or geo-thermal induction. The bottom line fuckers is that Solar is still too expensive and easily damaged, thermal is not fast enough and wind-power is too resource hungry on infrastructure and budget to be a viable sole source of electricity.

Listen, it's very easy to poo-poo stuff that we take for granted while running enough tech and appliances in a single home to power an entire African village.

In other words, THINK ABOUT WHY WE HAVE IT!  Nuclear power is the by far the most efficient form of power generation at our disposal to date.  It's cleaner and safer than it has ever has been.  It doesn't cause anywhere near the pollution or direct dangers of coal or similar fossil fuels (an average of 590 coal miners die on the job each year in North America alone - 34 died at Chernobyl, the most catastrophic meltdown in history – mind you Chernobyl went down because of management decisions guiding and controlling the bottom line like how often the fuckers had safety checks. So the technology did not fail the system of humans supporting it failed.).

Look at the Long Game
Best of all, nuke fission is our gateway technology to developing viable nuclear fusion (100% waste free power).  We can do it already, but it costs fucktons in resources and coinage to generate the heat and magnetic containment fields required to fuse hydrogen and helium isotopes and produce a net gain of energy. 

"Yeah, sure, Sex Detective, feed us some Trekkie sci-fi bullshit to justify
nasty nuke power."

Fuck you, eco-savage.  The first proto-type is already under construction in France, and an even better version is planned for construction in 15 years.  None of which would be possible without the advances already made through nuclear power.

Look, I'm all for sustainable, renewable, affordable and workable power solutions, but the most vocal protestors against what we have to do to power our civilisation right now sometimes have a political and financial agenda, and not a practical one.  They are deeply passionate about cleaning up the Earth, but they're even more horny about gaining acclaim and credit.  I have yet to meet a Direct Action type of Greenie or conservationist who wasn't operating under the personal assumption that she/he were absolutely right.  TIP: be wary about anyone who believes they are absolutely, 100% right.  Sane people are designed to doubt, it's a built in check and balance system that stops you from doing really stupid things.

See, this sort of stuff (pictured above) is what I call 'non-stupid' eco-protesting.  There's plenty of placards, props, chanting, maybe a sausage sizzle and even a face painter for the kids.  The messages are direct, if a little alarmist.  I mean, seriously, nobody at all would love a 'nukeburnt' country no matter how pro-nuclear they might be, surely.

Toxic waste is always the secondary scare argument against nuke power - it's glowy, greeny goo that mutates fish and wantonly poisons kindergartens or something.  But try looking at where toxic waste comes from in general, idiots.  Here's a toxic waste source the militant econauts usually skip over - the production and then eventual disposal of solar panel cells, just like the ones on your suburban roof.  That shit will kill anything, but it doesn't stop the biggest producers of solar panels from dumping their shit in ground water sites (well done, China). The average recycling paper mill dumps more poisons, bleaches and toxins into our river systems and land fills per month than any nuclear power plant would in a year.

Then here we get a giant, inflatable elephant, which is all kinds of awesome as well as being a definitively misguided, metaphorical cliche.  White elephants describe an unnecessarily expensive or spectacularly unuseful thing - a waste or liability that outweighs its promises.  That would be great if that sentiment was focused on some of the more ridiculous dreams in the clean energy circles (eg: perpetual cold fusion), but to brand nuclear energy as such a pale beast is palpably unfair.  Places that rely on nuke-kettles for electricity tend to have cheaper power bills, cleaner air and stronger energy grids than coal burning equivalents.  Their workers are safer, their supply is more reliable, and once set up, a nuke plant can, pound for pound, output many times the juice of fossil fuel, solar, hydro, geothermal, wind or any other type of generator.

Then we get the extreme, or 'Direct Action', protests.

They're always fucking chaining themselves to shit: gates, bulldozers, trees, other protestors, you name it.  Here we see prostrate eco-warriors cuffed to each other within a metal tube.  This makes it all the harder for some poor cop to bolt-cutter the cuffs coz he'll have to somehow cut through the tube first.  Well done, martyrs, you've really struck a blow for the planet, but that still doesn't explain why the hippie on the left is wearing a badger on his face.

These are just the sort of exhibitionists that pray (and provoke) to get clubbed or tazed or dragged away by tax-paid law enforcement.  Antagonists in these highly charged confrontations - where irresistable forces and immovable objects meet in a clash of wills - always claim 'peaceful protest' while unpeacefully resisting removal.  Not too many Gandhis in the eco-war movement.  Bruises, abrasions and court appearances are a badge of office to these people.  They will compete with each other to push the envelope.  They will break into restricted areas, harrass shipping, sabotage equipment, blockade transport routes, and basically carry on like an ADHD platoon at a tantrum convention.

Of course, there are also those who have embraced the Japanese disasters as a boon, a chance to revive and reinvigorate old causes.  See, the 21st Century has been most unkind to the anti-nuke movement because environmental protection is no longer a fringe, radical point of contention.  Thanks to the likes of Al Gore, Kyoto and the Internet, everyone has at least some basic and common understanding that fucking up the biosphere is a bad idea.  The number of individual eco-causes has multiplied exponentially - green energy programs, sustainable communities, Earth Hour, car pooling, waste recycling, carbon taxes, lead-free fuel, desalination plants, energy saving everything, the list is endless.  Nuke power is just one of many concerns nowadays.

Or, and I'm just spitballing here, or you could all turn off the juice at work and
home just 1 minute earlier every weekday of the year and save 5 or so hours,
but nooo, that's way less cool, right?

So, to all those who protest, bitch, whine and cry about scary energy sciences that you don't understand, I say keep up the good, righteous and ignorant work, morons.  We, as a progressive species, should have expanded, and hence refined and polished, safe nuclear energy decades ago, but you zealots treated it like some kind of evil sorcery and kept us back.  I mean, for fuck's sake, most of us still rely on coal!?!  COAL!  Lumps of fossilised flora to boil water for steam turbines that spin and generate the electricity to power your hybrid cars.  This concept and basic application hasn't changed for over a two hundred years, people.  Coal is dirty to burn and dangerous to mine (look at tassie and new zealands mining disasters).  It fucks up our atmosphere on a scale our planet hasn't seen since everything was volcanoes, and is used in its dirtiest forms (namely coarse, Brown coal) by the biggest users (yes, I'm looking at you again, China). The ultimate thruth is that we are running out of coal resources and we are increasingly needing to take risks to get more of it. Another point is it takes coal to power the refineries that are processing our other fossil fuels like crude oil so we are using one fuel to create another and we are actually running out of both. Even our crude oil deposits are getting scarce so rapidly that shale oil is finally being looked at as a viable resource to exploit even though two years ago it was considered ridiculous to think about. Nuclear energy is a hell of a lot more cleaner. We mine less materials (especially if Thorium is used and not Uranium as this element is plentiful everywhere.) We produce less waste and gain more electical output.

Green energy is everyone's goal, not just an elite cadre of eco-snobs who think the world is a giant corporate conspiracy.  Grow up and face a few facts, not least of which is that efficient, carbon-neutral, low toxic power sources require a lot of money to develop.  Who's going to fund it?  You?  No.  Me?  Fuck no.  It will be big business and government programs.  The same corporate and government programs that gave us commercially hybrid cars, bio-fuels and solar panel subsidies.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Facebook Cause of the Week - Kiddy Beauty Krap

Here's something new I'm trying, selecting what I believe is a worthy FB cause and promoting it.  Some of my choices will inevitably be satirical, but this one is legit.  I support this cause 1000% because I find the subject matter so fucking horrifying.

If you haven't already, sign up to this page.  Now.  I'm not fucking around, you either sign up or I'll raze everything your hold dear be disappointed, because if I ever see or hear of this shit going down in this country (Australia, for you people who don't know me) I will personally lead a bullet-filled apocalypse  support every group and movement against it.  That's right, peons, I'm talking about...

Child Beauty Pageants
I often found it interesting when my fellow citizens complained about Australia becoming 'Americanised'.  You don't hear that complaint so much now, but 20 years ago it was a real issue.  Of course, nowadays we live in a globalised society where we're not so fearful of being American-assimilated because, hey, who cares?  A lot of Aussie kids are into Halloween, 80% of our TV programming is either directly imported from the States or a carbon copy of their formats.  We love their pop culture, their music, their fashion, even their beer.*  Australian evangelism is indistinguishable from the bible-belt American type, business models here are identical, hell, even most of the porn you watch is, yes - you guessed it - Yankee made.

* Hahahahaha!  I jest 'til I weep, folks.

But I dare anyone to select a cross-section of parents from any Australian city and ask what they think of us having 'Child Beauty Pagents' (CBPs for short) and I can guarantee the majority consensus would be "Nah, that doesn't quite feel right."  In fact, any Aussie parent who in any way cares about children would actually find the suggestion at least a little creepy and cringe-worthy.  Sure, we're happy to send in baby pics for nappy competitions, but infants can only ever be presented as infants, no matter how much you try to put one in a tuxedo.  Once our kids get to walking and talking, though, we have a strong tradition of letting them just be kids.

Here, let me show you a professional artist's portrait of an American child beauty pagent contestant:
The subject is no more than 7 years old.

To many seppos this image is nothing special, just another glamour shot of a kid competing with similarly groomed kids in a pageant where winners get ribbons and maybe a modelling deal or, more likely, just a fucking ribbon.

Now, to most Aussies I know, the reaction would be a little different: starting with "How old is she meant to be?" and ending with "What the holy fuck have you done to that little girl, you monsters!?!"

These 'beauty competitions' have been around for about 90 years, and originated in Atlantic City when some idiot thought it would boost tourism in that city ("Come and see our burlesque 6 year olds!  Or enter your own!  Cash prizes daily for sick, obsessive, vicarious parents!").  Like cheerleading, CBPs swept the country and is now an established sub-culture.  And, like cheerleading, it is completely ungoverned and unregulated.  Despite possible cash rewards, it is not considered an exploitation of child labour, and so long as the kid isn't missing school there's no conflict with any welfare or education laws either.

But even so, America, come on!  This shit is fucked up.  If you want your kid to gain a chance at aesthetic fame, enrol them in an age-appropriate modelling school or agency.  There's nothing wrong with a 6 year old posing for a clothing catalogue that sells stuff for 6 year olds.  If you want to boost your kid's self-esteem, poise, public speaking skills and confidence (these being the most common reasons given by parents), then let them do that shit at primary school, or get them to join a kiddy choir at your local church or some shit.  And if you want to use your own, young flesh & blood as a means to boost your insecure popularity or correct your own childhood short-comings, then, well, fuck you!  Grow the fuck up and let your kid get on with being a kid, not some grotesque living doll for your to show off at a glamour-slave trade-show.

Some of my more mature readers will recall back in 1996 when this little girl was found murdered in the cellar of her family home.  Her name was JonBenét Ramsey, 6 years old, CBP contestant, among other things.  At the time much controversy was raised about CBPs due to her being a regular contestant, and whether or not that led to her high profile alleged kidnapping and subsequent death.
Although her family were initially suspected (sure there was a ransom note, but let's fucking face it, the body was found in their own cellar), the case remains unsolved to this day due to conflicting forensic/DNA evidence.

As horrible as that crime was, the fact that her family entered her in CBPs like a damn prized poodle did kick up some anti-pageant shit.  Not that it lasted long, mind you.  I'm not just exploiting JonBenét Ramsey's (what the hell kinda name is that anyway?) tragic murder to challenge the CBP concept.  What I am doing is this: when this case was first aired in Australia and we all saw this photo, the reaction by just about every free thinking adult I knew was "Why the hell is that little kid covered in make-up and mousse?  Holy shit, pre-school beauty pageants are real!?!  I'm going home to cover my daughter's face in mud and make her wear potato sacks everywhere because whatever caused that poor little girl's make-over I am, as of right fucking now, aiming for the exact opposite!"

See, most of the official protest here against CBPs is based on psychology - the consequences of persuading little kids to compete as models (you know, the eventual effect on their self-esteem later, body image problems, the use of cosmetic chemicals etc).  That's all valid, and I have nothing but robust praise for such protestors.  But I'm the goddamn Sex Detective, so my real problem with all this horrible crap is the sexualisation of little people. Kids who aren't old enough to lose their baby teeth sure as hell shouldn't have to worry about sexuality for another half a decade at least.  You start dressing them like teen dolls and teaching them to act all sexy-like, you're not just messing with their psyche, you're feeding an addiction in a kind of technically human sub-culture you don't even want to admit exists.

The real, dark issue...
See, we're not big on sexualising our kids in Australia, especially not for personal gain or glory. We kinda frown on the possible implications of trying to make pre-schoolers dress and act like youngt adults because that sort of grooming is usually the domain of pedophiles. Down here we call them rock spiders, along with a whole lot of other passionate, descriptive names. I know that yanks are, by and large, anti-child molestor too, but come on, you fuckers! Dressing little kids up like adults? Slathering them in make-up, cosmetic jewellery and even two-piece swimsuits? Coaching them to display adult-like mannerisms and affectations like flirtatious winking or blowing kisses to pageant judges?  That's tailor-made fantasy fodder for kiddie-fiddlers. 

Listen, unlike conventional rapists who desire absolute sexual power over another adult, tamperers instead desire an adult sexual connection with children.  They don't typically use direct force.  They relish the thought of sexualising kids, cultivating them into sexual equals instead of letting children mature normally.  Corrupting, conditioning and desensitising little kids into thinking that they are little adults in the bedroom. 

I know just how sickeningly complex such predators are, I spent years in Child Protection-related roles fighting to deny them their prey.  I've met these maggots in person, seen them trying to ply their cat and mouse trade, experienced their psychotic rage when the good guys intervene in time.  I've also seen the results when the good guys don't make it in time, the developmental damage inherent in children subjected to premature sexualisation.  Even been to a few funerals because a worst case scenario actually turned out to be so much more so.

If I were to directly imply that any parent intent on preparing and entering their child into an American formatted CBP was actually - if inadvertently - feeding the fantasies of rock spiders, there would be all sorts of litiguous backlash.


This is what I'm saying instead.

Pedophiles groom kids to sexualise their young identities and normalise premature sexual behaviour.  They do this by modifying the kid's behaviour and presentation until it resembles a warped, twisted version of superficial adulthood.

You know, as opposed to this:

This is not photoshopped, it's real and you can bet
 your ass some reptile has it plastered on his basement
 wall, people.

So, to those traitrous cunt few Australians who see no problem in pimping the appearance and behaviour of their kindergarten kids so you can feel like you're contributing to their tiny futures, then go right ahead.  I'm sure you have only their interests at heart.  But make no fucking mistake, every time your little princess is televised or photographed on stage in her gown/skirt/swimsuit I will guarantee you that 100 child-molesting in your home city will be furiously masturbating to that image.

Just because my words are disgustingly shocking doesn't mean they are any less true.