Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SD Snapshot: Oprah & Fergie (no, not the hot one)

I'd like to thank my friend, Hannah, for sending me a link to this little gem persuant to my battle with Oprah.  I think it tidily sums up the hypocrisy inherent in self-made saints.  I do honestly believe that the big O is genuinely altruistic, and fails to grasp even the fundaments of irony.  Allow me to demonstrate.

When Oprah becomes your 'mentor' what they really mean is 'god and saviour', one so powerful that she can change the very meaning of words like 'reality'.  To her the Duchess of York is a sinner that requires the salvation of Oprahland.  Not through something cheap and tacky like your standard reality tv show, but through Oprah reality tv, which is much more elegantly abusive, like being raped by a High Court Judge.  Publically aired therapy sessions?  The Dark Queen actually believes this is the responsible thing to do, that it will be a cathartic process of redemption for a stupid, spoilt, over-privileged and highly irresponsible royal parasite.  More importantly, for Oprah's newly released televison network (OWN tv), she needs high profile servitors with their own shows, regardless of whether their press is good or bad. 

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